Monday, August 3, 2015

Repurposing content: Giving ideas new life

Have you ever wondered how to make something old new again? Blogs are the perfect way to generate fresh content from other sources. Here are a few tips to kick start your blog:

1.      Repurpose what you have already accomplished.
Do you have photos and snippets of content just lying around in the nether regions of the Internet? Grab a couple and make a new infographic, link to an older post from the new photo or churn out two or three sentences to recapture interest.
2.      Start with one idea and use it “six ways to Sunday.”
You know what you want to blog about. Now take that post and get creative! Know how to use PowerPoint? Make a slideshow about your topic and post to YouTube, then share the link on various social media channels. Then take the same points in your blog and turn it into a user guide booklet/flyer. Next you can create an email blast for your target audience and include information from your blog, slideshow and user guide. You also can post to Instagram with a link back to your blog … There are so many avenues to explore here!
3.      Have your friends share your stuff on social media.
So you have published your blog or made a video or infographic. Now post to all your social media channels and ask your friends to reshare, repin or retweet your stuff. It’s as simple as that. Many of us know a few people who will be willing to do help you out. Plus, it exposes you and your blog to hundreds and even thousands of people with whom you have no connection.
4.      Guest blog on another site.
You probably follow a few other blogs, so see if one of them allows guest posting on a similar topic you blog about and have them guest blog on your site as well. You can even retool an older post from your blog with fresher content for the guest post. This is awesome exposure for you and the other blogger, so you both will have reaches to the others followers. And if they like what they see, you might have repeat posts or shares.

Following these four tips to rejuvenate blogs can save time and help you say the same thing in a new and fun way. Happy blogging!